Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Using The Web: A Practical Guide For Attorneys

Dining On Legal Dinosaurs, An Increasingly Rare Treat

Today, because I have a long association with the legal profession, I thought it might be interesting to see how attorneys are using the internet to drum up business. My own experience is with very small firms, everyone a solo practitioner. Think dinosaurs of the industry. 

O.K., I admit the title is a bit whimsical, but you need to know that attorneys do have a sense of humor. The business may be grim and often joyless, but gallows humor is abundant. With luck, I hope to make this subject slightly more entertaining than conjugating Latin verbs. Who uses Latin these days anyway? OH, I forgot, there are actual books at your local law library about quantum meruit and cases on the subject. I guess that means lawyers still use it, and in this case, whole books about billing.

If You Are Not An Attorney, CONGRATULATIONS!

This series of posts may still hold value for you. While you may have been smart enough to avoid the very costly experience of actually going to law school, I can rest assured that as an average consumer of legal services it is likely that you will glean some insights about what it is that drives your lawyer to be the exacting SOB you love so well. Your first hint here is that reference to the expense of law school, but that is only one of myriad reasons you may find written into the texts you find here. Don' worry, I will try to keep the quadruple negatives and obscure cross references to an absolute minimum. (For the benefit of the attorneys, of course!)

Personal Injury Attorney Examples

Here are a few examples of how personal injury attorneys are handling their web presence. The field is broad. Some personal injury lawyers specialize in motor vehicle accidents, which surprisingly has people who limit their practice to auto accidents, motorcycle accidents and even accidents involving semi trucks, trains, and aircraft. So, if you are ever involved in an accident where you are driving a car and are hit by a truck at a rail road crossing, then a train and subsequently, a plane crash lands on you, you have my personal assurance, there is a legal professional out there who specializes in your type of case. Come on, Google it, you KNOW you want to!

Drug Manufacturing Liability, A.K.A., How To Sue Big Pharma For Fun And Profit

Our first example is from an firm of attorneys with extensive practice and experience in Pharmaceutical Liability issues. Their approach is to present an article in an attempt to educate the consumer about the current state of the law as well as pointing out their expertise in the subject matter.

Generic drug companies fighting possible changes that would ... Wed, 09 Apr 2014 12:40:23 GMT

Heygood, Orr & Pearson is AV-rated, the highest legal and ethical rating available from the leading law firm rating service. Our partners Michael Heygood, Jim Orr, and Eric Pearson are all Board Certified in Personal Injury ...

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Our sample shows an organization spending the time and money to develop a major site in response to their marketing and their client outreach needs. Google index, when I checked shows the site having over 1100 internal links. Each link is formatted in such a way as to address specific questions their potential clients may have. My random sample pull of a page shows that serious attention is being paid to the idea of site optimization and key word ranking. The site appears to pull significantly higher organic results than it is reported to be paying for.

All in all, I would have to give this site top marks in all areas and would not hesitate to cite it as a well formed, well thought out and informative site. I'm pretty sure our good friends at hop-law are not only buying their building, but the entire block.

Google Index Report

The sample site shows a serious and expensive attempt to get their message out to the public, and thus, their potential clients. Great Job, OBU Interactive.

By the way, just for the record, I have no connection with this Dallas personal injury lawyer, nor any others. The site was picked at random. The web developer was, until I looked in the sample sire, unknown to me.

Newswire Is Your Friend, Use It

A second example is an attorney using Newswire to announce the expansion of the firm, There is no reason you can't use the web resources available to you more effectively. If you use Public Relations infrequently, you are missing an opportunity to communicate with potential clients and thus, missing income opportunities.

Thomas K. Mallon Expands Personal Injury Firm - Wed, 02 Apr 2014 22:40:07 GMT

Personal Injury Attorney Thomas K. Mallon Just Released a New Google Hangout Explaining Why He Is The Best Personal Injury Attorney In Towson. Thomas Mallon is Clearly Raising the Bar in Towson and Baltimore When ...

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As press releases go, this is a little generic, but perhaps slightly better than a tombstone in The Wall Street Journal. The brevity of a press release is no place to try to cover every aspect of your business. It's use is to try and gain a bit of exposure for what is considered to be a newsworthy item.

The Awful Truth is. . .

GASP! Attorneys are terrific technicians when it comes to the law, but they are more often than not lousy at marketing. With all the education any school supplies, let alone a law school, it is almost a universal truth that marketing legal services is a neglected part of the curriculum.

To Be Continued